Note: Alter game files at your own risk and ALWAYS make backups! To earn easy medals, go into My Documents / Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour Data / Skirmish Stats.ini

It is free, and is still good value for money. Nothing short of a paid DLCĬonsidering the sheer weight of additions, including the changing up of the balance system, suggests this should have been paid DLC rather than a simple mod. Instead, something such as ranking up to make characters almost un-killable would have easily added many new facets to the game. This mod’s ranking system could be easily confused for the one in Stronghold Kingdoms. However, despite the graphical upgrade being welcomed by the fans, it feels more like window dressing rather than something like a genuine HD upgrade as seen by games on the later Playstation consoles. The musical and sound upgrades are obvious to anybody who has ever played the game before, especially when considering the new units and their new batch of sounds.